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I'm on PC. My computer is fully upgraded. and the thing is still glitched. 

Hey! Tried downloading this a few times but the file glitches out. 

Hrm. I checked the link by downloading the file right from the product page, but the file downloaded and loaded up just fine for me. If youre having trouble getting the file to load right, you might want to make sure youre opening it in the right place - its best viewed on pc in the downloads folder, instead of on adroid or in-browser! If you do this and still have trouble seeing all the files, you might want to make sure your pc is able to read pfd files (and possibly change what your default pfd-reader is in the control panel) or possibly to update your pc or browser! If you're still having trouble after all of that, hit me with your email or discord handle and i'll personally send the files over to you as pngs that you can read right in browser! Note that theres a LOT of files tho, lol, its like 30 pages long